We must show up to vote and make our voices heard on the issues that matter to us.
To help guide you through the voting process, we’re providing this one-stop resource to walk you through all necessary voting steps in the 2024 General Election on November 5, 2024.
Make a plan and use this short checklist to plan ahead:
Register to vote by October 21, 2024 if you are not registered: RegisterToVote.ca.gov
Check your voter registration information and make sure your address is up to date at: VoterStatus.sos.ca.gov
Make sure you get your ballot in the mail. Ballots will be mailed to every registered voter in California starting October 7, 2024.
The last day to submit a Replacement Ballot Request is October 29, 2024.
Complete your ballot and mail it as soon as possible. Make sure to mail it on or before November 5, 2024.
Did you mail your ballot? If so you can track it here: california.ballottrax.net/voter
Check your county early vote dates here. You can find voting locations at Sos.ca.gov/elections/polling-place/. If you do not mail in your ballot, you can drop off your ballot or vote in person at a vote center or polling location before election day depending on your county.
For more info on each step use this expandable guide:
Voting is an important way to make sure we ALL have say on what goes on in OUR communities.
But you can’t vote if you’re not registered.
- US Born Or Naturalized Citizen
- Resident of California
- At Least 16 Years of Age (pre-registration)
- Not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony
- Not currently found mentally incompetent to vote for a court
If all conditions apply to you, then you are eligible to register as a California voter.
Note: You can pre-register as a 16 and 17-year-old, which means on your 18th birthday, the Registrar will automatically register you to vote and send you a notification in the mail. You don’t need to take time filling out another form unless you change your name, address, and/or want to change your political party.
You can Register to Vote online here. If you’re unsure if you’re registered or registered at the right address you can check your status here.
Prefer snail mail? Requesting a paper registration form is fast and easy. To request a paper voter registration application, call (800) 345-VOTE (8683)
Plan early! The deadline to register for the November 5, 2024 General Election is October 21, 2024.
MISSED THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE? It’s best to register before the October 21st deadline. If you miss that deadline you can still do the Same-Day Voter Registration process and request your ballot in person at your county elections office or polling location. For more information on voter registration and voting locations, contact your local county elections official.
If you’ve already registered to vote, you can submit your ballot by mail. That’s right. You can vote without leaving your home. California has made vote-by-mail permanent throughout the state therefore all active voters will receive a ballot in the mail starting the week of October 7, 2024.
- Fill it out completely
- Try to send it back ASAP. It’s free too – no postage is required!
- You can drop it in your mailbox, in a designated ballot drop off box, or at your polling location or vote center.
- KEY: Ballots must be postmarked by November 5th, 2024! As long as it’s postmarked by Election Day, ballots can still be counted up to 17 days after election day.
In California, registered voters in select counties can vote early, in person 29 days before the election. Due to COVID-19 some counties are allowing up to four days of early voting. Click here to find out if your county has early voting or call the Secretary of State’s toll-free voter hotline at (800) 345-VOTE (8683).
Research shows people who make a plan to vote are way more likely to actually vote. Do these things to help you flex your electoral muscle on Tuesday, November 5th:
- Check Your Status: Make sure you’re registered to vote. You can check your voting status here.
- Choose A Time: Polls in California open at 7AM and close at 8PM. Pick a specific time to vote. After school @ 4:30? Before work at 5:30? Companies are legally obligated to give you time to vote if you give prior notice. Calendar it to give yourself a reminder. They will have physical distancing in place to ensure everyone who wants to vote in-person can do so safely.
- Know Where You’re Going: Locate your polling place or better yet know where you can vote early. If you’re unsure about your polling location, click here to learn where to go on Election Day.
- Show Up: Show up to your polling place, give your first and last name and prepare to cast your ballot.
Voter Registration Deadline
Online voter registrations must be submitted by October 21st, 2024.
- It’s best to submit months ahead of the October 21, 2024 deadline to make sure it’s received in time.
Vote By Mail Deadline
- Once you’ve received and completed your ballot, it must be postmarked on or before November 5th, 2024.
Additional Voting Links